Interested in teaching for us?
We are now accepting proposals for virtual professional development trainings.
Hudson Valley Professional Development, LLC is committed to providing quality professional development services to mental health professionals. It is our mission to improve the knowledge base of professionals and the quality of care offered to clients. We think of ourselves as “client-driven educators.”
We are most interested in trainings that are unique and reflective of current psychological and sociocultural needs, treatment issues, and evidence-based research. As per the NYS Department of Education guidelines, our continuing education trainings must be of post-graduate level content, and our presenters must have expertise in the proposed content area.
We are accepting proposals for two-hour virtual (Zoom) trainings. Presenters will lead a training through a Zoom meeting in which they lecture, share PowerPoint materials, and see and interact with the participants. In addition to expertise related to the subject matter, trainers must have fast, reliable internet, and a strong understanding of technology and commonly used Zoom features.
Submission Guidelines
For each proposed workshop/course, please submit the following information via email to info@hudsonvalleyprofessionaldevelopment.com